Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hello World

Hi there! My name is ... well... let's say WannaLoseWeight, WLW for short. I am a 5' 7" male and currently weigh 196 lbs. According to this BMI calculator, I have a BMI of 30.7, which is in the 'obese' zone.

I am 32 years old. And, as you must have figured already from the title of this blog, I want to lose weight. About 45 pounds.

I have been wanting to lose weight since 2006, but on average I have hovered around 195 lbs for the past 7 or so years, and I want to change that. Badly. So to help keep me motivated, and also to hold myself accountable, I am starting this blog today. I will try to document my journey towards weightloss, and hopefully, someday I can look back at these entries with a sense of accomplishment if I ever reach to 150lbs.     Let's see!

Oh, and here is a photo of what I look like now.


And here is what I want to look like.


Let's see how it goes!